Labial puff vagina fillers

A boost for the intimate area!
Maintain youthful looks with dermal fillers
Do you suffer from sagging, loss of volume and dryness in the intimate area? Then the labial puff treatment makes a big difference.
The demand for cosmetic procedures for the intimate area is increasing. Undergoing treatment in this area for cosmetic reasons is now considered normal in various countries. In the Netherlands this is even less accepted, despite the fact that there is a need for it.
The labial puff is a non-surgical treatment and takes about 20 to 30 minutes. This treatment is specially performed by a cosmetic doctor.
The effects of childbirth, menopause, weight loss and the natural aging process lead to several significant changes in a woman’s body. The female intimate zone in particular can undergo drastic changes that can lead to a loss of self-confidence. Women often worry about the appearance of the labia, the outer lips of the vulva. The labia often lose their inherent skin elasticity with a loss of suppleness which leads to loose skin over time and these changes can be exacerbated by falling levels of estrogen as part of the aging process.
Labial puff at COOCH CLINIC benefits many women who would like to improve the aesthetic appearance and function of their labia with improved fullness and better shape. You will notice that your vaginal area again looks nice and full and tight and shows a smoother, softer skin structure.
The effect lasts an average of 10 to 12 months, but if you repeat it once you will enjoy it for up to 2 years.
The treatment can safely and effectively restore the volume and shape of the labia with a younger and rounder appearance.
We work with Desirial dermal fillers for the intimate zone. DESIRIAL, from Laboratoires Vivacy of Paris (the makers of STYLAGE) is the world’s first treatment for women suffering from vaginal dryness and other symptoms related to vulva-vaginal volume loss.
DESIRIAL offers two options:
- Hydration: DESIRIAL 2×1 ml : Improves hydration, elasticity and sensitivity of the vulvovaginal area. The mucous membrane of the vaginal wall becomes less dry and more flexible.
- Volume Restore: DESIRIAL PLUS 2x 2ml: Is a thicker gel and is used as a filler and is intended for rejuvenation of the labia majora, the labia majora. Usually you need at least 2ml per side.
Labial Puff is not suitable for:
- Women who are pregnant.
- Women under the age of 18.
Aftercare Labial l Puff:
- For 5 days:
- No sex.
- No bath or sauna.
- No cycling.