Information on the website is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

We do not diagnose, treat or prevent any issue you may be facing such as diseases, health concerns or illness.

If you feel or think that you might have a medical condition, contact your health provider as soon as possible.

Cooch Clinic is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result from applying or using any information from this site.

V Steaming is a holistic treatment, if you have any doubts we advise you to consult a qualified health professional.

By undergoing a v-steam treatment at home – or in the clinic; you affirm that you are in a good physical health condition and do not suffer from any condition that could prevent or limit your participation in – or cause you have an adverse reaction to – the product and/or services.

By undergoing a service or purchasing a product – you affirm that you read the contraindications and/or provided correct and complete information.

You understand that the results may vary from person to person and that you may react adversely to the product or services. For V-Steaming side effects include but are not limited to: rash, increased vaginal discharge, cramps, spotting, diarrhea and headache. You agree that all risk of injury that you undertake as a part of the products and/or services is undertaken at your own risk.

You agree that we are not responsible for any burns, injury, damage or claims due to inappropriate use of equipment. You agree that you will use the Yoni seat and Herbs accordingly as explained on the instructions.

We trust that by reading the information on this website you comprehend that your health decisions are your own responsibility.


Our blends are:

  1. The Sassy
  2. The Calming
  3. The Garden
  4. The Healing

Our blends are made out of 100% natural and organic herbs. If you are allergic to a specific herb we recommend you to read the v-steam ingredient packaging and if your are having a v-steam in our clinic to let us know your allergies during the consultation.


  • During your period
  • If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant
  • If you are trying to conceive do not v-steam after your fertile day (you might be pregnant). The best time to steam while trying to conceive is right after your period is over up until your fertile week.
  • If you have any wounds, sores or blisters
  • If you have an active infection with burning/itching
  • If you have a kidney disease
  • If you have cancer
  • If you have any piercings and/or a yoni egg (remove these first)


  • Steaming too hot can cause skin burn. Always check the temperature first with your hands.
  • We recommend to steam between 15-30 min.
  • V-Steaming with IUD is at your own risk. If you decide to do so, we recommend not to steam longer than 10 min.